
Dimitra利用AI技术和大数据有效解决全球农业问题|追风区 AMA

2023-02-15 21:19:07
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摘要:Dimitra是一家基于区块链的全球农业技术公司,其使命是帮助世界各地的农民。 Dimitra与政府、农业合作社、农业公司、非政府组织和营利性组织合作。

2月 15日20点,追风社邀请到了 Jon Trask CEO & Founder of Dimitra




Could you please introduce a little bit about Dimitra?

Jon Trask:Hello everyone, my name is Jon Trask and I’m the CEO and founder at Dimitra.  Dimitra is a global blockchain-based Agtech company with a mission to help farmers across the world.  Dimitra works with governments, farming cooperatives, agricultural corporations, NGOs, and for-profit organizations. Dimitra believes that every smallholder farmer should benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology regardless of economic standing.

$DMTR is a utility token created on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token.

The $DMTR token is what drives our ecosystem, and farmers can do things like pay for their licenses (Connected Farmer, Livestock Guru, Deforestation, Connected Coffee) with $DMTR tokens, and when our marketplace goes live, they’ll be able to buy things like sensors, coffee, crops, and pay for their transactions with $DMTR tokens.

大家好,我叫Jon Trask,是Dimitra的CEO和创始人。 Dimitra是一家基于区块链的全球农业技术公司,其使命是帮助世界各地的农民。 Dimitra与政府、农业合作社、农业公司、非政府组织和营利性组织合作。Dimitra认为,每一个小农户都应该从简单、漂亮和有用的技术中受益,无论经济地位如何。


$DMTR代币是驱动我们生态系统的动力,农民可以做一些事情,比如用$DMTR代币支付他们的许可证(Connected Farmer, Livestock Guru, Deforestation, Connected Coffee),当我们的市场上线后,他们就可以购买传感器、咖啡、农作物等东西,并用$DMTR代币支付他们的交易。


主持人:咱们有个Dimitra Livestock Guru,可以介绍下吗?该平台的主要作用是什么?

Could you tell us a little bit more about the Dimitra Livestock Guru? What is the main role of this platform? Our community is very curious about it

Jon Trask:Thank you for the great question!  We have two versions of Livestock Guru, and people can purchase Livestock Guru with Dimitra Tokens:

Dimitra Livestock Guru Cloud

Livestock Guru is the all-in-one platform that empowers livestock producers to increase the profitability of their herds. The platform provides end-to-end livestock traceability and performance management. 

Dimitra Livestock Guru Commercial

Livestock Guru Commercial brings all the features of Livestock Guru Cloud and also helps improve reproductive selection within herds to improve overall livestock productivity, which results in more and higher quality livestock products. 

谢谢您的提问!  我们有两个版本的Dimitra Livestock Guru,人们可以用Dimitra代币购买Dimitra Livestock Guru。

Dimitra Livestock Guru云

Dimitra Livestock Guru 是一个多功能平台,使畜牧业者能够提高其畜群的盈利能力。该平台提供端到端的牲畜业可追溯性和绩效管理。

Dimitra Livestock Guru商业版

Dimitra 畜牧专家商业版带来了Dimitra Livestock Guru云的所有功能,还有助于改善畜群内的繁殖选择,提高整体牲畜生产力,从而获得更多、更优质的牲畜产品。


主持人:Dimitra作为一种新型的农机驱动产品,与传统农机产品相比有哪些优势?使用 Dimitra 对农民有什么好处?

Dimitra as a new and revolutionary type of farm machinery drive product, what are the advantages of it compared with traditional farm machinery products? What are the benefits farmers get from using Dimitra?

Jon Trask:Dimitra has many advantages for farmers compared to traditional farming approaches.  Our technology stack is unique b/c it combines mobile, satellites, sensors (IoT), drones, artificial intelligence and machine learning with the power of blockchain and, therefore, immutable records.  Simply put,, we have a data-driven approach that increases yields, reduces expenses, and mitigate risks for farmers and their farms all across the world.  We’re told again and again by governments and NGOs that we have more features and functionality when compared to traditional agricultural solutions.  Plus as our technologies are used for longer periods of time the results are more powerful and tuned b/c of our AI algorithms and machine learning.

与传统的耕作方式相比,Dimitra对农民有很多优势。 我们的技术栈是独特的,因为它结合了移动、卫星、传感器(物联网)、无人机、人工智能和机器学习与区块链的力量,因此,不可更改的记录。 简单地说,我们有一个数据驱动的方法,为世界各地的农民和他们的农场增加产量,减少开支,并减轻风险。 政府和非政府组织一再告诉我们,与传统的农业解决方案相比,我们有更多的特点和功能。 此外,随着我们的技术使用时间的延长,其结果更加强大和调整,因为我们的AI算法和机器学习。



As an agricultural product, how can Dimitra help farmers achieve more sustainable agriculture? 

Jon Trask:Very interesting question, and sustainability is super important to Dimitra as we want to make the world a better place and more sustainable.  Here is one example of how we do this: imagine a farmer who has a problem with a blight or pest on their farm and the blight or pest covers 25% of their farm (in Papa New Guinea, which is one of our projects, they have a huge problem with Fall ArmyWorm).  Before the arrival of drones, a plane would fly back and forth and, the plane would spray pesticides over the entire farm.  This is bad for the environment and it's also more expensive for the farmer.  However, by using our drone technology with satellites and sensors and GEO fencing that farm, we are able to target just that region on the farm where there is a blight or pest problem, and then the drone sprays only the 25% of the farm that is infected.  So, this saves the farm 75% in pesticide costs, and it's also 75% better for the environment.  

Every project or nation that we contract with at Dimitra has sustainability as a big focus from the very beginning.  

非常有趣的问题,可持续性对Dimitra来说超级重要,因为我们想让世界变得更好,更有可持续性。 这里有一个关于我们如何做的例子:想象一下,一个农民在他们的农场有一个枯萎病或害虫的问题,而且这个枯萎病或害虫覆盖了他们农场的25%(我们有一个项目在巴布亚新几内亚,他们有一个巨大的秋季军虫的问题)。 在无人机到来之前,一架飞机会来回飞行,并且,飞机会在整个农场上喷洒杀虫剂。 这对环境是不利的,而且对农民来说也更昂贵。 然而,通过使用我们的无人机技术与卫星和传感器以及地球同步轨道对该农场进行围栏,我们能够只针对农场中存在枯萎病或害虫问题的那个区域,让无人机只喷洒农场中被感染的25%的地方。 因此,这为农场节省了75%的杀虫剂成本,而且对环境也有75%的好处。




What is the main direction of Dimitra's future development?

Jon Trask:The main direction is to keep building more functionalities into all our platforms, adding more farmers and implementing our solutions in more nations.  We still want to help the 570 million small farms across the world.  From a crypto perspective, our goal is to add more functionality like the Dimitra marketplace where customers will be able to buy and sell goods with the DMTR token and our newest initiative our Sponsorship Program that just got announced earlier today . 

主要方向是继续在我们所有的平台上建立更多的功能,增加更多的农民,在更多的国家实施我们的解决方案。 我们仍然希望帮助世界各地的5.7亿个小农场。 从加密货币的角度来看,我们的目标是增加更多的功能,如Dimitra市场,客户将能够用DMTR代币购买和销售商品,以及我们最新的倡议,即今天早些时候刚刚宣布的赞助计划。 Q6

主持人:我们社区想要知道更多关于Dimitra 的代币经济学及价值在哪里?

Our community would like to learn about the most updated $DMTR economics and value of $DMTR?

Jon Trask:Here is our updated chart of DMTR tokenomics:




No project can grow without the community, what measures will your team take to protect the interests of the community and investors? 

Jon Trask:The Dimitra community is very important to us and everything we do we ask internally if what we are doing serves them best as we are a customer centric company.  We listen to feedback in our social media channels and answer all questions when possible.  Dimitra listens to our farmers, and to the governments we work with and Dimitra will only work if our customers (ie Dimitra Crypto Community, Farmers, and Governments / NGO’s) are happy.  It’s also our goal to update everyone as regularly as possible via all our social media outlets on what's new and engage our communities as new platforms or features launch.  Of course when things are under NDA such as upcoming exchange listings we cannot announce that to the community.  We want more involvement and engagement from our communities.  If our social media numbers increase over time and the articles we put out in Cointelegraph have increased views month by month I’d say we are building more support.  

Dimitra社区对我们非常重要,我们所做的一切都会在内心先问我们自己,我们所做的事情是否对客户是最好的,因为我们是一家以客户为中心的公司。 我们倾听社会媒体渠道的反馈,并尽可能地回答所有问题。 Dimitra倾听我们的农民,以及与我们合作的政府,只有当我们的客户(即Dimitra Crypto社区、农民和政府/非政府组织)感到满意时,Dimitra才会做这件事情。 我们的目标也是通过我们所有的社交媒体尽可能地定期更新每个人的新情况,并在新平台或功能推出时让我们的社区参与进来。 当然,当事情处于NDA之下,如即将到来的交易所上市,我们不能向社区宣布。 我们希望我们的社区能有更多的参与和互动。 如果我们的社交媒体数量随着时间的推移而增加,而且我们在Cointelegraph上发表的文章的浏览量也逐月增加,我们会建立更多的支持。



Could you tell us more about your security strategy, audits or other measures you take to protect users’ assets and privacy?

Jon Trask:Security is always top priority for Dimitra and as you can imagine working with governments and NGO’s requires a lot of due diligence to ensure we are secure.  When Dimitra launched in 2021 we did a smart contract audit with our partner Certik here: https://www.certik.com/projects/dimitra.  In addition to this, we always keep users of our portal for staking and sponsorship in cold storage.  Customer data and keeping that private and protected is of utmost importance to us as a company.   

安全始终是Dimitra的首要任务,与政府和非政府组织合作需要大量的尽职尽责的调查以确保我们的安全。 当Dimitra在2021年推出时,我们与我们的合作伙伴Certik在这里做了一个智能合约审计:https://www.certik.com/projects/dimitra。 除此以外,我们始终将我们的网站的用户进行押注和赞助的情况进行冷处理。 客户数据并保持其隐私和保护对我们公司来说是最重要的。



What is the profit model of Dimitra?

Jon Trask:Dimitra has many revenue streams.  First, there is revenue generated from licensing our Connected Farmer platform, our Connected Coffee platform, Our Livestock Guru platforms, and most recently our Deforestation platform.  Dimitra also makes revenues from custom builds or features that customers ask us for (there are the out of box versions of our platforms and then there is the possibility to customize applications).  There is also revenue generated from buying extra machine learning reports, and eventually we’ll be selling anonymized agricultural data sets via our partners Ocean Protocol and their data marketplace.  Another revenue stream is farmers buying things like extra IoT sensors for their farms and having to buy those sensors with DMTR tokens.  As we onboard more and more farms, communities, and regions of countries this will all add up over time.  Keep in mind we are contracted with 22 million farms + to use our platforms.  This doesn’t mean they are implemented or that all 22 million + farms will take our platforms but the governments we are working with want our platforms to be with as many of their farms as possible.  It’s a very exciting time for us.  

Dimitra有很多收入来源。 首先,我们的 "Connected Farmer"平台、"Connected Coffee "平台、"Livestock Guru "平台和最近的 "Deforestation "平台的授权所产生的收入。Dimitra还从客户要求的定制化构建或功能中获得收入(我们的平台有开箱即用的版本,也有可能做定制化应用程序)。 还有来自购买额外的机器学习报告的收入,最终我们将通过我们的合作伙伴海洋协议和他们的数据市场出售匿名的农业数据集。 另一个收入来源是农民为他们的农场购买额外的物联网传感器等东西,并且必须用DMTR代币购买这些传感器。 随着我们加入越来越多的农场、社区和国家地区,随着时间的推移,这些都会增加。 请记住,我们与2200万个农场签订了合同,以使用我们的平台。 这并不意味着他们已经实施或所有2200万+农场都会使用我们的平台,但与我们合作的政府希望我们的平台与他们尽可能多的农场合作。 这对我们来说是一个非常令人兴奋的时刻。



As far as we know, Dimitra has been utilizing a lot of AI and Machine Learning Technology too, can you tell us more about it? And How are you viewing the latest development of the AI technology?

Jon Trask:This is a great question - thank you for this great question and first please take a look at our new AI focussed DMTR logo:


We love the logo and hope you do too :)  Artificial intelligence is certainly a hot topic these days and it is used in many areas of our applications.  

Here are three examples of how Dimitra uses AI and machine learning:

Deforestation - we assess satellite images to differentiate between trees, crops, forested areas and clear cut areas.  Machine learning is trained to understand the difference between what is on the ground.  Some land looks the same from a satellite and we need to train the AI to understand texture, color, reflectivity, etc.. and understand what it is actually seeing.  

Crop performance - we use spectral analysis and radar based analysis from the satellite to provide us readings on the ground.  This data is combined with weather, planting, soil data, known agronomy parameters and a combination of statistical analysis and artificial intelligence is used to make recommendations to maximize the performance of each crop.  These models are built for each crop and each combination of soil, terrain, weather, irrigation and known soil data.  Machine learning is used to compare data sets across the world and align those recommendations based on regional differences.

Animal productivity - many environmental, management and hereditary factors affect the performance of cow.  Machine learning combined with statistical analysis helps analyze and provide probabilities of what traits may be passed on, how mating one animal to another produces a prediction of performance.  Mom donates 50% of her genes, Dad donates 50% of his genes.  Nutrition, weather, water, disease, temperature, care, stress all play a factor.  We group the animals based on conditions to make these predictions.

Here is a great feature about our work in AI that CIO review did last year and featured us as one of the top 20 AI companies to watch in the future




Deforestation--我们评估卫星图像,以区分树木、农作物、林区和空旷地带。 机器学习被训练来理解地面上的东西之间的区别。 有些土地从卫星上看是一样的,我们需要训练人工智能来理解纹理、颜色、反射率等,并理解它实际看到的东西。

作物性能--我们使用来自卫星的光谱分析和基于雷达的分析,为我们提供地面上的读数。 这些数据与天气、种植、土壤数据、已知的农艺参数相结合,并结合统计分析和人工智能来提出建议,以使每种作物的性能最大化。 这些模型是为每种作物以及土壤、地形、天气、灌溉和已知土壤数据的每种组合建立的。 机器学习被用来比较世界各地的数据集,并根据地区差异调整这些建议。

动物生产力--许多环境、管理和遗传因素影响着奶牛的表现。 机器学习与统计分析相结合,有助于分析并提供哪些性状可能会被传递的概率,一个动物与另一个动物交配如何产生性能的预测。 妈妈捐出了她50%的基因,爸爸捐出了他50%的基因。 营养、天气、水、疾病、温度、护理、压力都是一个因素。 我们根据条件对动物进行分组,以进行这些预测。

这里有一个关于我们在人工智能方面工作的伟大专题,CIO review去年做了这个专题,并把我们作为未来值得关注的20家人工智能公司之一



As the first farm and probably the only project that is solving agricultural issues, what is your vision and what’s the story behind it?

Jon Trask:I realized many years ago while working on international supply chain projects and when I was contracted to build an identity system for an African nation that there was a huge need and opportunity in developing nations for agtech and that the people who needed agtech the most did not have it.  That’s where Dimitra started and as we spoke to more and more governments around the world on their agricultural pain points and what they wanted to achieve we started building Dimitra’s platforms and what you see today is the culmination of all of that feedback.  As new use cases emerge such as Dimitra DEFI loans for farmers, and Dimitra DEFI insurance for farmers we will keep building.

Thank you for having me here today and I hope this was informative for your community.

多年前,我在从事国际供应链项目时意识到,当我受雇为一个非洲国家建立一个身份识别系统时,发展中国家对农业技术有巨大的需求和机会,而那些最需要农业技术的人却没有。 这就是Dimitra开始的地方,随着我们与世界各地越来越多的政府讨论他们的农业痛点和他们想要实现的目标,我们开始建立Dimitra的平台,你今天看到的是所有这些反馈的高潮。 随着新的用例的出现,如Dimitra DEFI农民贷款和Dimitra DEFI农民保险,我们将继续建设。


感谢Jon Trask来到追风社,祝愿未来的Dimitra更加强大!

本次 AMA 由追风社、Dimitra联合举办,感谢各位支持、关注,我们下期再见。


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